Tuesday, May 31, 2011


She is jealous of Bella because she wants to be a human again. When Edward invites Bella to visit his house, the Cullen treats her warmly and they also cook foods for her even they do not know how to cook. During her visit to the Cullen’s house, there is a little problem happen. Bella thinks that she is giving the Cullen a hard to cook for her, so she rejects their request of having lunch. As soon as Bella finish her speech, Rosalie presses a bowl hardly until it breaks and she leave the kitchen.
To add on, another worst time occurs again in the other day when the Cullen and Bella are playing baseball, three evil vampires, Laurent, Victoria and James come and they smell the human’s scent. Bella’s scent is very strong so, it’s easy for James to find her. Even the Cullen tries to protect Bella, but she still fall under James’ trick. However, James is unfortunate and is killed by Emmet and Jasper.

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