Friday, June 24, 2011

Watch The King Speech official trailer:

When he met Lionel Logue, Logue had request to call him as duke and he calls him by his family name as Bertie.  They had worked with each other and they found out that was psycho therapeutic that is the problem for stammers was not simply physical.

This condition creates by the age of four or five that connect with his father George V, who had, among other things, forced the left handed Bertie to write with his right hand, something that is associated with stammering.  Duke believed that this condition related more with physical rather than psychological and be cured
 by breathing exercises and saying tongue twisters.  Duke had use many treatments on the king such as getting him to sing the words he was having trouble speaking, play music to the king through headphones while he was

reading, so that he could not hear himself and become self conscious.  Another scene shows the King becoming fluent when he swears and it is generally accepted today that when stammers are angry they lose their inhibitions.  The most important scene in the movie was the last part that was the day war was declared; the King had to deliver the most important speech of his life.  At the end of the broadcast Logue finally called him “Your Majesty” which was the scene that I like the most.  Finally the King had done all his best with the help of Logue who also allowed go into the room broadcast.  He had given a very fantastic speech that make people feel very proud and believe him as their King. In the end of this movie, I feel like people should not end up in what they face in their but should overcome it.

The king speech
            The epic events inspired the Oscar-tipped film, “The king’s speech”. The king speech is a British movie which written by David Seidler and directed by Tom Hooper.  Colin Firth plays King George VI and Lionel Logue, an Australian therapist played by Geoffrey Rush.  This movie show about a real story of king George VI who born as a stammer.  There are many forms of irony verbal; dramatic and so on but the one that surely applied to King George VI was the irony of fate.  He could not pronounce even the letter ‘k’.  Elizabeth who was his wife, had try every ways to her husband to overcome with his stammer.  Once, King George VI had a speech in the 1925 British Empire Exhibition at Wembley Stadium but he could not come up with his well and stammering speech visibly unsettles the thousands of listeners in the audience.  He felt to his self that if god were amusing themselves by toying with his mind, mocking his failing, reminding him that he was very much a mortal.  He had met many traditional court doctors with their antiquated methods, such as filling the sufferer’s mouth with marbles, but to no avail. At first, he had decided to give up everything until the duchess persuaded him to see Lionel Logue who was an Australian speech therapist in London.   

Saturday, June 18, 2011


The second part of a novel is written from Jacob Black’s perspective about Bella’s pregnancy. The Quileute wolf pack plans to destroy an unborn child as well as Bella because they think that the child will pose danger to the people. However, Jacob, Leah and Seth protest against the decision and leave the pack. Moving to Bella, the fetus is growing quickly and soon she will give birth, but the baby is too powerful and it breaks many of Bella’s bones and loses a lot of blood. So, in order to save her life, Edward injects his venom into her heart and Bella is changed into a vampire.

The third part of the book returns back to Bella’s perspective, describing the suffering moment she had when she gave birth to Renessme and finding her new life as a vampire with special abilities. Despite from that, Irina misidentifies Renessme as an “immortal child”. Immortal child is a newborn vampire who cannot control their thirst and creating that kind of child is against the law of the Volturi. As a result, when the Volturi realize, they plan to destroy Renessme and The Cullen. So, in order to survive, The Cullens gather all vampires around the world to be witnesses and to prove that Renessme is not an immortal child. However, the Volturi is unsure until Alice and Jasper return with Nahuel. Nahuel , a 150 years old human-vampire crossbreed, claim that a crossbreed pose no threat so, the Volturi return. But Irina is executed for her mistake. In the end of the novel, The Cullens return home peacefully.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Watch Breaking Dawn official trailer (part 1) 
Breaking Dawn

In Breaking Dawn, the 4th book of the twilight saga, Bella is facing with death again. This time, the person she loves and protests is killing her. Even though, Bella is happy with that person.

In contrast, everyone in the town is watching at Bella driving a new Mercedes that is a gift from Edward. The couple is going to marry soon. It’s wedding day, Alice and Rosalie are getting Bella ready. Bella is nervous but she calms down when she see her dad, Charlie. Everybody congratulates the couple as well as the Quileute tribe, wolf pack. Beside from that, Edward and Bella are planning to spend their honeymoon in Isle Esme, an island in Brazil. This Island is a gift from Carlisle to Esme.
Later on, Bella realizes that she is pregnant and the fetus inside her body is going swiftly. The abnormal baby is causing Bella’s health getting worse. Edward afraid that it would kill Bella so, he wants Bella to abort the fetus. However, Bella refuses and insists on keeping her baby.

Edward, Bella and Renessme

 To be continue...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

              Watch Eclipse official trailer  
                                        Watch the Volturi scene

Sunday, June 12, 2011


The werewolf, who is an enemy of the vampire, is protecting Bella as well as the other people in the town. The Cullen also joins forces with the Wolf pack against the “army” of the newborn vampires. To kill Victoria and the group, Jacob and Edward agree to use Bella’s scent to trick them. Luckily, the bloodsuckers come and the battle begins.
Finally, the group of the newborn vampires is destroyed and Victoria is killed under Edward’s hand. Since Bella has seen all the episodes of the war, Edward fears that she would feel uncomfortable for seeing him as a machine killer. In contrast, Bella is very worry about his safety.
In the morning, Jacob eavesdrops on Edward and Bella’s conversation. In the conversation, Bella tells Edward that she loves Jacob but the first person that she is going to spend her entire life with is Edward. After hearing, Jacob run away with heartbroken. 


When the Cullen waiting for Victoria

Victoria arrives

Jacob is injured after the fight with Victoria in order to save Bella

During the fight:

Newborn vampires lead by Riley


   The story begins with a note that Jacob left it for Bella. As it’s mention in the note, he is getting mad with her for reunion with Edward. In addition, Bella also wanted to become a vampire but Edward objects. Another chapter of the book describes mysterious murders in Seattle, Washington. The Murders are the newborn vampire that cannot control their thirst over human blood and Victoria leads the group.
As Edward and Bella fill out the application to the college, she also asks Edward whether she can go to visit her friend Jacob. Even Edward objects but she still visits him. In one of her visit, Jacob tells her that he loves her and wants her to choose him instead of Edward.
One day Alice has a vision that Victoria and the thirsty newborn vampire will come to Forks and they might find Bella in order to revenge Edward for killing James, her lover.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Volturi (New Moon)

Watch the Volturi's fight scene

Watch New Moon Full movie online:

Some scenes in New Moon

Bella rushes to meet Edward

When Bella see Edward
Edward is going to destroy himself with the sunlight
Some scenes in the New Moon:

Bella's birthday celebration at The Cullen's home

Jasper cannot control his thirst from Bella's blood

Bella is hit against the wall
           Watch New Moon official trailer:

When Bella rides Jacob's motorbike

When Bella jumps off the cliff

After four months, Bella becomes worse and worse until one day when she meets her long lost friend, Jacob Black. During that hard time, Bella try all the risk thing in order to hear Edward’s voice because his soul is always stay near her. For example, riding a motorbike at a very high speed while she cannot ride it. Another risky thing that she does is jumping off the cliff where she almost dies. Luckily, Jacob comes to rescue her and takes her back home. Moving to Edward, he is trembling and worrying about Bella so he calls to Bella’s dad, Charlie, to ask where he is and the answer is funeral. Actually, Charlie does not answer the call. It is Jacob who is in the bad mood. Edward believes that it’s Bella’s funeral so he attempts to kill himself by steeping into the sunlight in a coming special ceremony. When the day arrives, while Edward is walking into the sunlight, suddenly Bella appears in front of him and she explains what happened. After talking for a short moment, everything is clear and the worst time end.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

To be continue......

New Moon, which is a second book of the Twilight saga, describes a sad story that happen with Bella and Edward. The story begins when Edward and Alice celebrate an 18th birthday at Bella. Accidentally, Bella cuts her finger with a paper and the youngest vampire, Jasper, couldn’t control his himself from the smell of the human blood so he immediately grasps Bella in the intention to feed. But, fortunately, Edward is there to protect her. Then he takes Bella outside the house because he thinks that when Bella stay near his family, it seems like putting her in danger. So, the Cullen decides to leave Forks in order to keep Bella in safe. However, things don’t turn out as they expected.
New Moon
Watch a sad twilight soundtrack please go to this link:

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


She is jealous of Bella because she wants to be a human again. When Edward invites Bella to visit his house, the Cullen treats her warmly and they also cook foods for her even they do not know how to cook. During her visit to the Cullen’s house, there is a little problem happen. Bella thinks that she is giving the Cullen a hard to cook for her, so she rejects their request of having lunch. As soon as Bella finish her speech, Rosalie presses a bowl hardly until it breaks and she leave the kitchen.
To add on, another worst time occurs again in the other day when the Cullen and Bella are playing baseball, three evil vampires, Laurent, Victoria and James come and they smell the human’s scent. Bella’s scent is very strong so, it’s easy for James to find her. Even the Cullen tries to protect Bella, but she still fall under James’ trick. However, James is unfortunate and is killed by Emmet and Jasper.

Monday, May 30, 2011

To Be Continue...

Twilight is about a girl named Bella Swan who moved to Forks, Washington. Forks is a small rainy town and Bella doesn’t enjoy wet season but she chooses to live with her dad after her mum remarried. Bella is an easygoing person so, she has many friends at her first day at school. She also notices a mysterious group with pale skin, the Cullen. Moreover, her mind seems to concentrate mostly on one of the Cullen, Edward. Edward, a tall handsome man, is very intelligent and later they fall in love. The Cullen is a vampire family that includes Carlisle Cullen who’s a father, Esme Cullen who’s a mother, Emmet, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie and Edward. However, the Cullen drinks animal blood instead of the human blood. The family member love Bella except Rosalie.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Laurent is also one the member of James’ coven. He is a vegetarian vampire but sometime he cheats and kills human for blood. When Victoria and James decided to attack Bella, Laurent leaves and travels to Denali, Alaska.

Victoria, a red hair ‘tracker’ vampire, is one of the members of James’ coven. In Twilight, she plays a small role and in Eclipse she returns to Forks to revenge on Edward by attacking his lover, Bella in order to repay the death of James. Victoria is a leader of newborn army vampires that fight against the Wolf pack and the Cullen. During the battle, Edward and a young wolf, Seth, destroy Victoria.

James is the ‘tracker’ vampire of the Twilight book. He feeds himself on human blood unlike the Cullen, which feed themselves on animal blood. James always do anything to get what he want. 
Alice Cullen escaped from him for a long time because Tames wanted to attack her. Unfortunately, he could not since Alice become a vampire. In twilight, Bella is lured to the ballet studio and she almost loses her life. Luckily, the Cullen comes to rescue her and James is killed under Emmet and Jasper’s hands.