Tuesday, May 31, 2011


She is jealous of Bella because she wants to be a human again. When Edward invites Bella to visit his house, the Cullen treats her warmly and they also cook foods for her even they do not know how to cook. During her visit to the Cullen’s house, there is a little problem happen. Bella thinks that she is giving the Cullen a hard to cook for her, so she rejects their request of having lunch. As soon as Bella finish her speech, Rosalie presses a bowl hardly until it breaks and she leave the kitchen.
To add on, another worst time occurs again in the other day when the Cullen and Bella are playing baseball, three evil vampires, Laurent, Victoria and James come and they smell the human’s scent. Bella’s scent is very strong so, it’s easy for James to find her. Even the Cullen tries to protect Bella, but she still fall under James’ trick. However, James is unfortunate and is killed by Emmet and Jasper.

Monday, May 30, 2011

To Be Continue...

Twilight is about a girl named Bella Swan who moved to Forks, Washington. Forks is a small rainy town and Bella doesn’t enjoy wet season but she chooses to live with her dad after her mum remarried. Bella is an easygoing person so, she has many friends at her first day at school. She also notices a mysterious group with pale skin, the Cullen. Moreover, her mind seems to concentrate mostly on one of the Cullen, Edward. Edward, a tall handsome man, is very intelligent and later they fall in love. The Cullen is a vampire family that includes Carlisle Cullen who’s a father, Esme Cullen who’s a mother, Emmet, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie and Edward. However, the Cullen drinks animal blood instead of the human blood. The family member love Bella except Rosalie.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Laurent is also one the member of James’ coven. He is a vegetarian vampire but sometime he cheats and kills human for blood. When Victoria and James decided to attack Bella, Laurent leaves and travels to Denali, Alaska.

Victoria, a red hair ‘tracker’ vampire, is one of the members of James’ coven. In Twilight, she plays a small role and in Eclipse she returns to Forks to revenge on Edward by attacking his lover, Bella in order to repay the death of James. Victoria is a leader of newborn army vampires that fight against the Wolf pack and the Cullen. During the battle, Edward and a young wolf, Seth, destroy Victoria.

James is the ‘tracker’ vampire of the Twilight book. He feeds himself on human blood unlike the Cullen, which feed themselves on animal blood. James always do anything to get what he want. 
Alice Cullen escaped from him for a long time because Tames wanted to attack her. Unfortunately, he could not since Alice become a vampire. In twilight, Bella is lured to the ballet studio and she almost loses her life. Luckily, the Cullen comes to rescue her and James is killed under Emmet and Jasper’s hands.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Renesmee Cullen
Renesmee is a daughter of Edward and Bella. She is half vampire and half human because when she is a fetus, she feeds on Bella's blood. No matter what Bella eats, it is useless. She doesn't receive that nutrients. So, in order to keep Renesmee and herself alive, Bella, who is still a human, have to drinks animal’s blood in order to survive.
Renesmee is an abnormal child since she grows quickly.
Jacob Black

Jacob is a werewolf and he tries to protect his land and people from vampire. However, in the end of the story he has close relationship with the Cullen family because he helps the Cullen to protect Renesmee from being destroyed by the Volturi.
Bella Swan
 Bella Swan or Bella Cullen is 18 years old when she moves to Forks with her father. She is in love with Edward. Later she discover that he is a vampire and she desire to become vampire like him too. Bella and Edward marry in Breaking dawn (the 4th book of Twilight saga) and has one daughter named Renesmee.
Jasper Hale

Jasper is the newest member of the Cullen’s family. Therefore it’s hard for him to control himself from human blood.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Alice Cullen

Alice was born in Biloxi in 1901. She was changed into a vampire because to protect her from being hunt by James, the bad vampire.
Alice has an ability to forecast what happen in the future.
Emmet Cullen
 While Rosalie was hunting for animals, she saw Emmet’s body died and his body was completely destroyed by bears. So, she carried his body down to Carlisle. As a consequence, Emmet is the fourth vampire that Carlisle made.
Emmet is the youngest member of the Cullen.
Rosalie Hale

 Rosalie was the third vampire that Carlisle made. Rosalia came from a wealthy family and her fiancé was rich. One day, while she was walking back home, her fiancé and his friends killed her. So after she became a vampire, she killed them.

Rosalie is married to Emmet.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Edward Cullen

Edward, 17 years old, was the second vampire that Carlisle made. He was dying of Influenza in Chicago hospital in 1918. Lucky, Carlisle save his life after his mother, Elizabeth, begged him to save his son’s life. Later, Elizabeth was died.
Edward has a special ability that he can read people’s minds and he could run as a cheetah.
Esme Cullen

Carlisle’s wife named Esme. She was found dead because she committed suicide and Carlisle saved her life. Later, they fell in love and get married.
Esme is a sweet-hearted person.
The Background:

Carlisle Cullen

 Carlisle Cullen (roles as a father of the Cullen family) was a son of Anglican pastor and he was born in 1940s (350 years old). Carlisle was trained to hunt vampires, witches and werewolves. One night, while he was hunting, a vampire bit him so finally he became a vampire. However, Carlisle only bites people in order to save their life.
Carlisle is a doctor that can cure all kind of illnesses.